The Truth Project

Have you ever wondered what God intended for the family? What does he expect from us at work? What are his desires for the role of government? Does he really want us to care for the needy? Does your faith truly affect your personal worldview?

The truth project is a DVD-based small group study comprised of 12 video lessons to help us learn how to build a biblical worldview and understand the foundations of truth that make up our understanding of God's view of life. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. The ultimate goal is not simply to gain knowledge, but to be transformed in the process.

Would you be interested in being part of this cultural change by participating in or leading a small group of your own?

The following are my lesson notes:
  1. Lesson 01:  Veritology – What is truth?
  2. Lesson 02:  Philosophy & Ethics – Says Who?
  3. Lesson 03:  Anthropology – Who is man?
  4. Lesson 04:  Theology – Who is God?
  5. Lesson 05:  Science – What is True?
  6. Lesson 06:  History – Whose story?
  7. Lesson 07:  Sociology – The Divine Imprint
  8. Lesson 08:  Unio Mystica – Am I alone?
  9. Lesson 09:  The State – Whose Law?
  10. Lesson 10:  The American Experiment – Stepping Stones
  11. Lesson 11:  Labor – Created to Create
  12. Lesson 12:  Community & Involvement – God Cares, Do I?